Minggu, 21 November 2010

Modifikasi Audio Mitsubishi Pajero Sport

If you want to car audio upgrades in cabins, ideally suit the needs of the car itself. Given the ground clearance of the Mitsubishi Pajero Sport is high (215 mm), changes that will be done on the audio system must pay attention to elements of daily use are not redundant.

Modifikasi Audio Mitsubishi Pajero Sport
The possibility of this car is invited to bulldoze light off-road path is quite high, because given the leg-foot ladder. For that Harvig Kusnadi, owner of the Pajero Sport having a 4-wheel (4WD), this, decided to not make extreme changes in the cabin of this car hobby.

According Harvig, the most important factor is safety and comfort while driving should be maintained. For that Hongyono Candy, fitter Artery Prisma Autosound in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, installing car audio components with the concept of change through the daily use a minimalist.

As the manufacture of boxes (ejection) in the A pillar tweeters, which prioritizes high visibility element of the car owner. "He was wearing glasses, so I want to make baseball more difficult to monitor conditions ahead, because life is too big box," said Ahong greeting.

Placement and size of the palm tweeter should not make an unobstructed view
To install the head unit with in-dash monitors must advance a few centimeters from the lip slot

With the theme of in car entertainment without compromising the aesthetic element in the cabin
Steering remote still function normally with the help steering remote interface module additional

But the idealistic elements of the owner should still materialize, so the philosophy Ahong when preparing the cabin sound Pajero Sport this white pearl color. To realize all of that used split 2-way speakers Crescendo Opus 8.6, in collaboration with JL W1 subwoofer in the rear trunk. The consideration in order to create sound effects on top of the dashboard imaging more real.

According Ahong, the level of vocal clarity and midbass should be balanced. So he did the cutting frequency for the front speakers at 120 Hz (hi-pass), and low-pass for the subwoofer at 50 Hz. "Level equalizer diadjust also use 3 band, and it all sounds so contrived minus baseball came over," explained this billiards enthusiast.

Entertainment element must also be realized as desired Harvig, by installing a TV headrest Rogers HDM-999 FZ (9 inches), a total of 4 sets of front and middle seats. Why not just use the monitor roof? "For aesthetics in this macho car cabin is better to use monitors headrest, in addition to baseball obstruct the view to the rear while driving," explained Ahong

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