Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

car buyers advice

car and a thing that can lure us, with that when you buy an item must be thorough andmust dicak all existing components
 check first before buying before meneyseal later clay body of the car and try allfunctions of the machine working properly or not
 see the authenticity of the existing devices do not buy sebelun mengatahui allcontent authenticity of the car
and when you have been captivated and have checked the car that you like please buyand therefore you can be proud

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011


Disain of car battery
 left Car
 Right Of Car
 Back Of Car

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Car Auction II

Vintage cars in an urban park in front of the store from all types of classic cars and this is no longer poverty because they could not buy a new but old-fashioned car today is a trend
 an ancient race car, even though it was time to retire this car has a 2000 speed is very fast horse and compare new car today
 an ancient race car II
 an ancient race car III
 old yellow car racing car modification is no less interesting with the charm of paint colors that wrapped the car let alone the model is very enticing
 ancient modifications ferrari car with classic style but a charming modern style
 modification of ancient cars racing BMW with various sponsors that wrapped the body of the car

toyota factory output of cars is no less interesting to those who have owned a race car hobby

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Car Auction

Speed And Crash Action
 Car Auction To The Crash Way
 On The Mountain Car Way
 F1 Crash Car Auction
Speed Meter Car auction
The Car car auction

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

bad car

in the deck car
 The sHark car
 ilegal street race
 not be tubbles
 sexy car

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

car amp

mobil sedang mendarat didalam salju

mobil balap sedang melaju
 sepion mobil balap sedang melaju

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

how to care for car

New BMW Designs 2011

The design of this car had been realised by Julian Bumbu and it represents the future car designs. This car’s rival seems to be Audi R8 because of the similar aspect. It looks to be a very low, aerodynamic and long car so it can reach high speeds. Julian Bumbu applied some skills learned at a Milanese automotive design program to a BMW etude.

I read that this car can be build and opened to the public. The front and rear side is similar to the new 2010 5 Series excepting the sport aspect and the fact that it has two doors. This concept is made 100% by Iulian and it represents the future sport car.

If you look for my opinion, this car is awesome. I think those lines are making this car to have a very futuristic aspect and they make this car to be very aerodynamic but at the moment this car remains fiction.

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Tren Modifikasi Mobil 2011

Year 2011 has been in front of our eyes, the modification was estimated to be more mature. In this rabbit, the trend of car modification specifically predicted to be more emphasis on comparativedisplay functionality only.

 Tren Modifikasi Mobil 2011
According to Andre Mulyadi which is a Custom Built dedengkotnya Signal garage, car owners who wish to make modifications ditahun 2011 should be more keen attention to proportionality, perspective, composition and Bodyline car.

"Modifying the four wheels for 2011 seems to still be didominasikan by two streams, namely the flow of Racing and elegance. But for the year 2011 will be towards more functional and more details. Due to the year 2011 the owners want to modify the vehicle which can be used everyday , "he told detikOto.

Bandung man fathers is also said for the coming year will be more new innovations that will be applied to car modifications. For example, to chart engine, adding turbo to boost power is expected to increase.

In addition, changes may also occur in sound system, because at this time has appeared a variety of new technologies in seputaran this tone-producing device.

"But that will be obvious changes in the wheel that changed the direction to use Concave wheel that has a curved shape on the outside. Because of this in America is booming," said the father who has a child on this one.

In addition, the soft pastel colors are also expected to dominate in 2011. "For color in my opinion, the colors she will begin to be abandoned because these colors can not be used in daily use or can not be used to travel everyday," he added